app logoWWDiary
starstarstarstarstarI wrote this application because I started doing Weight Watchers with my wife. Free base app featur

app logoRecForge Lite - Audio Recorder

starstarstarstarstarRecForge is a dictaphone that records high quality wav, mp3 or ogg files.

app logoGasBuddy - Find Cheap Gas

starstarstarstarstarGasBuddy helps you find the cheapest gas prices in your area.

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starstarstarstarstarWelcome to Fashion Story, the stylish new game in TeamLava's hit "Story" series!

app logoMoney Lover - Expense Manager

starstarstarstarstarThe simplest way to manage your personal finances.

app logoRemote Media Center

starstarstarstarstarSee for a FAQ. HTC EVO 4G LTE on ICS might have a problem selecting a def

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starstarstarstarstarWith Yahoo! for Android, you’ll stay connected, discover what’s new, and keep up with your world

app logo9s-Weather Theme+(Nature) Free

starstarstarstarstar9s-Weather brings you more fancy designs to entertain your home screen!

app logoVidTrim - Video Trimmer

starstarstarstarstarEdit your videos on the go with VidTrim.


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app logoGismeteo Weather Forecast LITE

starstarstarstarstarWeather application from Gismeteo.
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