app logoGPS Test
starstarstarstarstarAll your GPS information in one app. Large colourful easy to read screens.

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starstarstarstarstarOfficial Twitter app for Android.

app logoPayPal

starstarstarstarstarSend money to your friends, manage your account, and more, with the PayPal app. It’s free, secure

app logoAndroid Mouse and Keyboard

starstarstarstarstarAndroMouse: Best Android mouse and keyboard out there

app logoGo!Chat for Facebook

starstarstarstarstarTalk with your friends via Facebook chat. Send photos, voice notes and more!

app logoBirthday Manager

starstarstarstarstarBirthdayManager is a utility that can display the birthdays of contacts.

app logoMath Expert

starstarstarstarstarThe application "math expert" is a collection of formulas out of mathematics and physics. The specia

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starstarstarstarstarTom is your pet cat, that responds to your touch and repeats everything you say.

app logoRage Comics

starstarstarstarstarThe best Rage Comics reader! If you don't like it, we'll refund your time!

app logoSony Xperia developer tutorial

starstarstarstarstarThis app contains sample apps covered in tutorials published on Sony Mobile Developer World. Downloa

app logoBunnys Period Calendar/Tracker

starstarstarstarstarSimple period calendar with a spiffy simple widget. Easy!
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