app logoMissed Message Flasher
starstarstarstarstarFlash the screen, play a sound, or vibrate at set intervals when a new message is received or when a

app logoPrinterShareâ„¢ Mobile Print

starstarstarstarstarPrint documents, gmail, photos, contacts, sms/mms and more directly from device!

app logoSkout - Meet, Chat, Friend

starstarstarstarstarThe global network for meeting new people

app logoWindfinder

starstarstarstarstarWind, waves & weather for kite & windsurfers, surfers, sailors paragliders

app logoPirates of the Caribbean

starstarstarstarstarTake your social gaming to a completely new level with Pirates of the Caribbean!

app logoGoFlex TV / Theater+ Remote

starstarstarstarstarThis remote control can replace your FreeAgents IR-remote and allows entering text with your phones

app logoSpace STG II - Death Rain

starstarstarstarstarImmerse yourself in a real time strategy. Explore, build, create, develop...

app logoCasino Crime FREE

starstarstarstarstarCrime pays once again!

app logoRobo Miner

starstarstarstarstarLet your robot dig the ultimate mine

app logoKids Paintings Coloring Book

starstarstarstarstarWhy do children use only several colors they like to color?

app logoTeletext for Switzerland

starstarstarstarstarEnjoy teletext on your phone!
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