app logoFlight Live Wallpaper
starstarstarstarstarThis is Live Wallpaper which looks actually flying in the sky.

app logoWeather for France

starstarstarstarstarWeather forecast LIVE detailed and updated several times a day for France

app logoWiFinder

starstarstarstarstarNice and functional WiFi scanner

app logoCraigslist for Android (CLapp)

starstarstarstarstarCLapp attempts to be the easiest to use and the most visually appealing Craigslist search applicatio

app logoOffline dictionaries

starstarstarstarstarBrowse many offline dictionaries!

app logo3D Bowling

starstarstarstarstarThis is the best and most realistic 3D bowling game on the Android phones.

app logoHearts Free

starstarstarstarstarClassy graphics, super smooth gameplay, highly scalable difficulty & much more!

app logoFlightradar24 Free

starstarstarstarstar★ 'Flightradar24 Free' shows airplane traffic around the world in real time! ★

app logoCompass

starstarstarstarstarCompass, an Android app helping you find your way

app logoDroidFit

starstarstarstarstarProfessional Workout/Bodybuilding App designed by serious bodybuilders.

app logoPregnancy Contraction Timer

starstarstarstarstarPregnancy Contraction timer. - data saved for calls - ability to email log
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