app logoCut and Slice
starstarstarstarstarCut and Slice!

app logoLightning Bug - Sleep Clock

starstarstarstarstarLightning Bug, ambience and white noise mixer.

app logoGismeteo Weather Forecast LITE

starstarstarstarstarWeather application from Gismeteo.

app logoWeatherBug

starstarstarstarstarGet the best current conditions, forecast, weather alerts, radar and more!

app logoGuitar Solo SMS Ringtone

starstarstarstarstarguitar solo and SMS ringtone

app logoGachinko Tennis

starstarstarstarstarKiller serves and intense rallies! Knock out your opponents on the tennis court!

app logoYandex.Metro

starstarstarstarstarMetro journey planner.

app logoTubex

starstarstarstarstarPut tubes of the same color to make squares.

app logoSleep as Android

starstarstarstarstarTrack your sleep and wake up gently with nature sounds in optimal sleep phase

app logoSpeedView: GPS Speedometer

starstarstarstarstarAn advanced speedometer application that offers lots of useful features.

app logoMax Magnetic Field Detector

starstarstarstarstarIt is metal detecting and measuring Magnetic Field App. around handset device. Main Function. Meta
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