app logoC+M Dental
starstarstarstarstarThe C+M Dental app from Cendres+Métaux SA is designed to educate and support dentists and dental te

app logoAndrozic

starstarstarstarstar<b>Navigation client that uses OziExplorer maps</b> (ozf2, ozfx3). Great for hiking, geocaching, off

app logoTalk German (Free)

starstarstarstarstarHear&Learn the most important German phrases. Quick & Fun.

app logoLondon City Guide

starstarstarstarstarFREE City Guide from TripAdvisor

app logoTalk Italian (Free)

starstarstarstarstarHear&Learn to speak perfectly pronounced Italian

app logoParis City Guide

starstarstarstarstarFREE City Guide from TripAdvisor

app logoRome City Guide

starstarstarstarstarFREE City Guide from TripAdvisor

app logoTalk To Me Cloud

starstarstarstarstarOne-tap speech to speech translations at your finger tips.

app logoBuildings

starstarstarstarstarFind Great Architecture!

app logoTourist language learn & speak

starstarstarstarstarTranslated useful phrases for you to learn or use in foreign countries.

app logoParken in Österreich

starstarstarstarstarParken in Österreich ohne Eingabe komplizierter SMS Codes.
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