
DescriptionShow different pictures for each screen as Live Wallpaper.
To Use:
[Home] > [Menu] > [Wallpaper] > [Live Wallpaper]
or create and open shortcut to "MultiPicture Live Wallpaper Setting"
* Show pictures from gallery
* Show pictures from folder
* Show pictures from Web album (need plugin)
* Change picture by double tap
* Change picture by time interval
* Transition effect
The scrolling depends behavior of the Home application.
If scrolling does not work or something strange, try to change workaround option.
Or check Home app's settings too. (such as wallpaper scrolling enable/disable, overshoot of scrolling, etc.)
This does not works properly with home application of the Galaxy S series (ICS) and the HTC Sense 3.X. Because these home applications does not notify right screen position.
The source code, the plugin interface and previous versions are available from web site.More 2013 ©