
DescriptionThe “Olho na Estrada” (= “Eye on the Road”) is an application (for Android and iOs) that indicates the real-time condition of traffic on São Paulo and Paraná (Brazil) roads such as: Bandeirantes, Tamoios, Imigrantes, Raposo Tavares and many others. It concentrates all cameras and displays them on the screen.
This is a “day-to-day” application that helps the user to avoid routes with higher traffic and also to watch "online" the road conditions before traveling. The user can search the camera by name or abbreviation of the highway and also can bookmark them by pressing the little star that sits on top of the screen to the right side to have easy access to them.
Yotta Apps constantly works on updating/inserting new cameras, and for cases where the content is presented in WMV or any unsupported format, we make the conversion for the user to access the image properly via app. Requests of new cameras are always welcome. ;-)More 2013 ©