
DescriptionThe application PillReminder tells you daily at a chosen time to take the birth control pill.
Contraception with 21, 22, 28, 35 or 91 pills is supported.
Besides this, the following features are included:
-Snooze reminders to the time of your like
-Choose a custom ringtone for reminders
-Vibrate (instead, or in addition to the ringtone)
-Two reminder modes - notification bar and popup
-Privacy options - remove icon from reminder, etc.
An option to remove advertising through in-app purchases is in the works; meanwhile, the paid versions of PillReminder were removed from the Play store due to the new licensing requirements, which put the task of license management on the developer, that is, myself. Please forgive the annoyance.
PillReminder is and will always be provided free of charge.
Technical notice: like with the Android alarm clock, your device must be powered on for the reminder to function; for this reason and in order to avoid any force-close issue related to fast boot mode, you should put your device in airplane mode instead of turning it off at night and disable fast boot mode when this option exists on your device (HTC).
Regarding daylight saving time, you should set it up manually in order to avoid "timezone changes" due to the former (please see the in-app FAQ available under menu->FAQ for details)
As for SD-card r/w access, it is needed in order to pre-load the interstitial ads before their display.More 2013 ©