app logoSkype - free IM & video calls
starstarstarstarstarMake free Skype-to-Skype video calls, and call phones at Skype rates on the move

app logoTangram

starstarstarstarstarTangram is a and addictive puzzle game

app logoCats. Jigsaw Puzzle

starstarstarstarstarCats Jigsaw Puzzle is jigsaw puzzle game with the cats. Jigsaw puzzles, as the most popular games,

app logoKids Preschool Puzzle Lite

starstarstarstarstarAn educational and entertaining game for preschoolers with beautiful graphics.

app logoTic Tac Toe - Pro

starstarstarstarstarTic Tac Toe Pro (noughts or crosses) is free game offering 4 difficulty levels!

app logoAporkalypse FREE

starstarstarstarstarSmart pigs from hell!

app logoBattleShip Hunter

starstarstarstarstarBattleShip Hunter is awesome classic game "Battle Ship" (aka Sea battle).

app logoUnblock Me FREE

starstarstarstarstarUnblock Me™ – The game that defines “Unblock” puzzle games

app logoTubex

starstarstarstarstarPut tubes of the same color to make squares.

app logoBubble Blast Easter

starstarstarstarstarTrigger an Easter Egg Chain Reaction.

app logoMouse

starstarstarstarstarHelp the mouse escape the laboratory
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