app logoSwiss Army Knife
starstarstarstarstarThis app contains a set of tiny tools: a flashlight, a unit converter, a timer, a stopwatch, a compa

app logoNatural Seasons(kids)

starstarstarstarstarEnjoy and recogniz the spring, summer, autumn and winter.

app logoTalking Kids Math Level 2

starstarstarstarstarThe amazing Talking Kids Math Level 2

app logoLEGO® Instructions

starstarstarstarstarLego Instructions is a tutorial for assembling easy and simple Lego toys.

app logoBaby Piano Lite

starstarstarstarstarDream Cortex is proud to present Baby Piano, an edutainment app for children!

app logoLets Go Karting

starstarstarstarstarFast to race with Baby Bear!

app logoChemistry Helper

starstarstarstarstarA simple app designed as a quick reference for chemistry students. Includes a periodic table with li

app logoБилеты ПДД 2013 РФ

starstarstarstarstarВсе билеты по ПДД (правилам дорожного движения) для сда
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