app logoPush Ups
starstarstarstarstarGetting you to doing 50, 75, 100 or 125 push ups in a row, all at your own pace!

app logoCover Art Downloader

starstarstarstarstarThe easiest and fastest album art grabber for Android. Get it now FREE!

app logoAudioManager

starstarstarstarstarVolume Manager and widget to control your volume levels on your Android phone.

app logoPocketBand Lite

starstarstarstarstarCloud-based social music studio Make music with your friends!

app logoGuitar - Virtual Guitar Pro

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app logoMy Drums

starstarstarstarstarVirtual drum pad. Studio quality sounds, features most popular drum machines! .

app logoKaraoke - Sing Me (Free/Lite)

starstarstarstarstarReady to sing? Karaoke - Sing Me! The pocket-karaoke! You want absolutely to keep a song in mind or

app logoVoodoo Sound

starstarstarstarstarThis app controls Voodoo sound for Galaxy S, Nexus S phones Galaxy Tab and Asus Transformer running

app logoWorms Armageddon Funny Sounds

starstarstarstarstarThe Best Worms Armageddon sounds! Listen all the funny game sounds. Features - Set as ringtone - S

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app logoIphone4S SMS ringtone

starstarstarstarstarIphone4S SMS ringtone
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