A cute stars live wallpaper which lets you interact with falling stars.

The new live wallpaper by Zlango. It's FREE, download now!

===Brief introduction:
Covers icons, wallpaper, folders
interface and app drawer. Get it and have 

Let's Scroll! A LED ticker as your phone live wallpaper!

Beautiful interactive live background were created stars collide and explode!

Get the best Call Of Duty wallpapers with CoD Wallpapers !!
This apps contains a OFFLINE collectio

BIG New!!!
Cloud 3D Theme has add a beautiful live wallpaper for free!
===Brief introduction:

Hot Air Balloons fly through a cloudy sky...and more!

Great for new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich ICS themes with floating particles.

The old days is back with this nostalgic live wallpaper.
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