app logoDigital clock & world weather
starstarstarstarstarClock & world weather widget with skins, dynamic location and much more

app logoShadow Galaxy

starstarstarstarstarMaxelus Galaxy Tetralogy (4/4). Shadow Galaxy with lonely planet's shadow.

app logoIce Galaxy

starstarstarstarstarMaxelus Galaxy Tetralogy (2/4). Ice Galaxy is born...

app logoDayNight Live Wallpaper

starstarstarstarstarDayNight allows you to set a wallpaper for each time of the day. Now there are four wallpapers in a

app logoCrazy Colors Live Wallpaper

starstarstarstarstarCrAzy CoLors! Live Wallpaper. Touch and move your finger on the screen.

app logoKF Flames Free Live Wallpaper

starstarstarstarstarKF Flames Live Wallpaper: Bring some heat to your home screen!

app logoVortex Galaxy

starstarstarstarstarMaxelus Galaxy Tetralogy (3/4). YOU CAN FLY in the galactic nebula !

app logoGLASS GO Launcher EX Theme

starstarstarstarstarGLASS theme for GO Launcher EX and APEX Launcher

app logoSun Rise Free Live Wallpaper

starstarstarstarstarA fresh and spectacular animated scene of the morning sky for your wallpaper!

app logoSeason Zen Free

starstarstarstarstarEnjoy every season in a peaceful park surrounded by the blossoming of new life.

app logoSuper Earth Wallpaper Free

starstarstarstarstarLive Wallpaper of the Earth with Falling stars and Customization options!
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