app logoGPS
starstarstarstarstarThis a test application for GPS Navigator. Get Values: Latitude Longitude Accuracy Altitude Bearin

app logoHome Manager

starstarstarstarstar- switch / uninstall / kill home - see if the home is running / default - clear / set default home -

app logoAdyClock - Night Alarm Clock

starstarstarstarstarAlarm and night clock.

app logoQuadrant Standard Edition

starstarstarstarstarQuadrant is a CPU, I/O and 3D graphics benchmark. The Standard Edition requires an Internet connecti

app logoAPP Lock

starstarstarstarstarProtect your installed applications using a password or pattern!

app logoAppInstaller


app logoSystem Tuner

starstarstarstarstarThe most complete system tuner and manager for all your phones and tablets!

app logoSound Meter

starstarstarstarstarMeasure Sound level in decibels instantly.

app logoFlashlight

starstarstarstarstarThe brightest, fastest, and most handy flashlight you will ever have!

app logoCall Meter NG

starstarstarstarstarCall Meter lets you keep an eye on your mobile plans.

app logoTalking alarm!

starstarstarstarstarVoice Your Alarm is not ordinary alarm clock! You can wake up with your voice!
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