app logoSuper Connect 4
starstarstarstarstarSuper Connect 4 lets you play with 4 difficulty levels of computer AI.

app logoHTR High Tech Racing

starstarstarstarstarHTR offers an adrenalin packed slot car racing simulation experience.

app logoThe Business Insider

starstarstarstarstarKeep up to date with fast-paced Business Insider news and analysis.

app logoAlbum Art Grabber

starstarstarstarstarMake your albums beautiful!

app logoAir Hockey FREE

starstarstarstarstarClassic arcade fun with easy touchscreen control and super-smooth graphics!

app logoKindle

starstarstarstarstarRead books on your phone or tablet, including thousands of free Kindle books.

app logoSMS Collection

starstarstarstarstarBiggest SMS Collection!!

app logoMy Days - Period & Ovulation ™

starstarstarstarstarEasy tracking & prediction calendar for your period, ovulation and fertility.

app logoGO Locker Fourkey Theme

starstarstarstarstarGO Locker Fourkey Theme, design to GO Launcher EX, is available now!

app logoManage My Pain Lite

starstarstarstarstarThe most effective pain mgmt. app to record, track, analyze, & share your pain.

app logoBikeComputer

starstarstarstarstarBikeComputer can replace your old bike computer extending it by a lot of additional functionalities.
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