app logoGoogle Chrome to Phone
starstarstarstarstarSend links, maps, phone numbers, & more from your Chrome browser to your phone!

app logoABC for Kids All Alphabet Free

starstarstarstarstarABC for Kids All Letters Free

app logoPhoto Art - Color Effects

starstarstarstarstarCreate art photos fast and easily! Color the picture with your fingers or apply several effects. Col

app logoWorking Log Free

starstarstarstarstarSimple in/out time card you can manage and track your attendance time!

app logoGarmin Mechanicâ„¢

starstarstarstarstarFind out what’s really going on under your hood with Garmin Mechanic.

app logoTalking Translator /Dictionary

starstarstarstarstar40,000+ 5 STAR reviews, and 5,000,000+ downloads and going strong! ** Requires active internet conn

app logoBible

starstarstarstarstarThe Bible App that lets you read, listen to, and see the Bible--FREE!

app logoNeocore

starstarstarstarstarNeocore is an OpenGL-ES 1.1 graphics performance benchmark for Android devices. It shows off some of

app logoHDR Camera

starstarstarstarstarCapture high quality HDR images in full resolution. Vivid colors and rich detail

app logoMy Cars (Fuel logger++)

starstarstarstarstarTrack/control all your car's expenses! Advanced Fuel logger!

app logoRays Anatomy Skeletal System

starstarstarstarstarIf you have the spine, then state it out. Else, you are a spineless creature.
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