app logoBuddhist Meditation Trainer
starstarstarstarstarBuddhist Meditation Trainer - Your trainer to happiness and enlightenment.

app logoold offender|Escape from jail

starstarstarstarstarThis is an escape game.You are a prisoner and are going to escape from a jail.

app logoBluetooth File Transfer

starstarstarstarstarBluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP and OPP) for Android

app logoShopping List

starstarstarstarstarThis application is a useful and simple shopping list for your phone. Do you often make shopping lis

app logoSnowstorm weather widget

starstarstarstarstarSnowstorm, weather widget. Snowstorm works as both an application and as a widget. Can display for

app logoiQuran Lite

starstarstarstarstarRead the Quran with verse by verse translation

app logoSmart Measure

starstarstarstarstarMeasure the distance and height of an object with your phone.

app logoWalgreens

starstarstarstarstarQuickly refill prescriptions by scanning your Walgreens prescription label

app logoRace Of Champions

starstarstarstarstarWelcome to the Race Of Champions (ROC) Official Game.

app logoFinancial Calculators

starstarstarstarstarOne app serves most of your finance calculation needs.

app logoSudoku Free

starstarstarstarstar1500 free Sudoku puzzles, top quality gameplay and classy graphics!
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