app logoLeague of Legends Jungler
starstarstarstarstarThis app is designed to help League of Legends summoners with their jungling. You can select between

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starstarstarstarstarTurn your phone into a versatile flashlight with Color Flashlight & LED light.

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starstarstarstarstarBottle/Breast feeds & Daipers & Sleep. Graph reports. Custom Themes! Data Export

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starstarstarstarstarManage files on the SD card with OI File Manager.


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starstarstarstarstarTurn your device into a shaker with 10 different instruments and shake to play .

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starstarstarstarstarAdd retro effects to your photos in a snap!

app logoGhost Commander File Manager

starstarstarstarstarA Classic File Manager.

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starstarstarstarstarWonderfull classic 5-reel slot machine with interesting bonus games.

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starstarstarstarstarFree Cyanogen theme for GO Launcher EX and Apex Launcher
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