app logoSymphony of Colors
starstarstarstarstarBeautiful Colors hidden in the shapes. Touch and feel.

app logoValentine day Ringtone

starstarstarstarstarRomantic Valentine's Day ringtone

app logoApp Folders

starstarstarstarstarAllows you to create folders for managing your applications. Main features: - Folders hierarchy -

app logoЕ-добавки

starstarstarstarstarПрограмма Е-добавки представляет собой справочник пищ

app logoFragger

starstarstarstarstarThe best Miniclip game now available on Android for FREE! Guaranteed free fun!

app logoiBaby - baby activity tracker


app logoGO Launcher EX Notification

starstarstarstarstarA plugin of GO Launcher EX to show number of missed calls, unread SMS and Gmail.

app logoUltraChron Stopwatch Lite

starstarstarstarstarUltraChron Lite is an easy to use digital stopwatch and talking timer.

app logoPostcard Creation!

starstarstarstarstarAdd photos and send out DIY postcard with comments!

app logoWiFi Thetering Router Enabler

starstarstarstarstarIMPORTANT: this is a widget, not an application. This means that you have to install it on the deskt

app logoContraction Calculator

starstarstarstarstarHelping women who are in the labour to calculate their interval between
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