app logoBaby Piano Lite
starstarstarstarstarDream Cortex is proud to present Baby Piano, an edutainment app for children!

app logoTransantiagoMaster

starstarstarstarstarSantiago de Chile in your cellphone!

app logoYandex.Metro

starstarstarstarstarMetro journey planner.

app logoSpeedView: GPS Speedometer

starstarstarstarstarAn advanced speedometer application that offers lots of useful features.

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starstarstarstarstarVideoReg records road-marking, traffic signs and actions of other participants of the traffic.The ca

app logoÖffi - Public Transport Buddy

starstarstarstarstarEverything you need for mastering public transportation!

app logoGlob - Trafic & Radar 1.6+

starstarstarstarstarDon't waste your time. Be aware of road traffic and speed camera in real time !

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starstarstarstarstarThe Drivers App

app logoYandex.Taxi


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starstarstarstarstarSPRITPREISRECHNER.AT: Greift auf die Spritpreise auf zu und gibt anhand de

app logoMyCar Locator Free

starstarstarstarstarUse MyCar Locator to remember where you park and guide you back to your car!
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