
DescriptionFind My Friends shows where all your friends are on a map and constantly updates their exact locations. The Find My Friends App uses the latest GPS technology available to provide the most accurate GPS locations.
★★★★★“It’s really good, not complicated and actually’s an App I actually use everyday” – A Google User
Friend Locator
Use the Friend Locator App to track all of your friends for any occasion. It’s great for organizing any kind of event. For example, before a camping trip, get everyone going on the trip to install the App on their phone. Now you can chat with everyone at the same time to help coordinate the trip. Use the App to find your friends when you are travelling to the campsite. You can help out those friends that always get lost and guide them to the site. Once you have arrived, you can check the App to locate friends that haven’t made it yet. If you have forgotten anything, you can alert someone to pick it up on their way. The App’s map can even tell you who is closest to the nearest grocery store.
If everyone goes on a hike, you can see where they are on the App’s map and quickly send a group text to let them know that dinner is ready. In the event that the hikers have gotten lost, they can locate you on their phone and find their way back to camp.
After the trip is over, you can use the Find My Friends App to make sure everyone has made it home safely. Once everyone has made it home safely, you can send a group chat thanking everyone for a great camping trip and start planning the next event.
★★★★★“This is one of a very few Apps I've ever given five stars too. Only because it works so well. Keeps great track of your kids, friends & family. It does what it says it will do.” – Richard Rude
★★★★★“Great.. Helps when u are stuck somewhere clueless.” - Joe Hustle Pro
Find Your Friends
Finding your friends on the App’s map is very simple. Just pull up the map and everyone’s icon is displayed. The map updates in real-time, so you can see where everyone is going. If a friend is having a party, you can see which of your friends are actually there. The App will also tell you if any of your friends are heading over to the location.
If your friends don’t have a smartphone, you can still use the Find My Friends App to locate them. Just send them an invite via text. Once they reply with a “yes”, their icon will show up on the App’s map. The App uses cell phone tower triangulation to help you find friends no matter where they are.
Locate Friends
Locate friends on the Find My Friends App with any phone. The App works with iPhones, Android Phones, BlackBerry phones, and even non-Smartphones. Just install the App on all the phones that you want tracked. For non-smartphones, just send an invite via text and once the invite is accepted, that phone can be tracked.
Any of your friends can send you alerts when they check in to destinations or if they are in trouble. You can quickly check the App’s map for their locations. The App can also provide navigation to their exact address. You can also check the map and let them know where the closest hospital or police station is. When they send alerts for help, it can be sent to everyone in your neighborhood. You can locate all of your friends to see if there is someone closer that might be able to help.
★★★★★“Great App! Allows you to keep track of a network of people and even let's you see how they have moved about in the last hours! - Mikael Bergbrant
★★★★★“I love this App.... I just had my family call in after I pressed the panic button. I'm able ti sre the calls fir service in my entire area as well as all the sexual predators too. You have to try this App its so safe and kool, its amazingly fantastic. ..- Jay DislaMore 2013 ©